No research work is ready for publication without a decent bibliographic section. The labour required to achieve this, especially in volumnious research works like dissertations/thesis can be much, and extremely frustrating if done manually. Reference managers or reference software can help in managing citations and references a lot more easily and effectively by automating a great part of the work. The minute details of bibliographic formats like positioning dates, order of authors' names, etc. are taken care of when reference managers are employed. In this way, the user saves both energy, time. Reference managers help in organizing citations and references n easily editable manners. They also help in synchronizing data between web and PCs or across multiple PCs, making it possible to work any time and any where as well as collaborate with other researchers. In addition, reference managers support one-click interconversions between different bibliographic styles.
Mendeley reference manager is outstanding in many ways including being not just a reference manger but also an academic social media that supports researcher showcase and collaborations, sharing of materials, knowledge and data. Several other advantages are also available to users, including access to a collection of millions of references, career opportunities, reference suggestions, etc. On top of this, Mendeley is easy to learn and use and the knowledge can be easily transferred to other software/platform that offer similar services.